The woman hanging from the 13th floor window,
Well this was the first poem that I read in all of the choices and it really moved me. I get this lady, maybe because she could be a patient that I have seen or cared for; a stressed out mother like I can become. It’s a deep poem in the meaning that life is hard and can get you down, this women was obviously trying to hurt herself but she stop. She began to think about her family and her parents making her believe in a better life.
In the poem I love this one verse (When she was young she ate wild rice on scraped down plates in warm wood rooms. It was in the farther north and she was the baby then.)
How amazing to have such an incredible memory of your childhood. I really liked this poem it was well written with great thought and meaning towards life.
Compendium of Lost Objects
For me this poem was kind of a scatter poem, all over the place. I like poems that are more of a story. This would not be a top pick for me. However the writer did make a statement, I am still not, clear if this was some type of wreck in her life? A lost childhood or a damage memory just trying to forget? Well, the beauty of poetry is it can be what ever I want it to be. I will believe for now it has to do with some type of fire or painful memory in her childhood that she desperately is trying to escape from. One of my favorite verse is ( but the battered, the rope swing, the rusted barge sunk at the water’s edge) you can almost close your eyes and see the rope swing. I love it.. I may not give this one such a high rating however I did like her spunk, this prompted me to look up more and anyone interested in her should look at a book called (The Afflicted Girls Poems) it’s filled of wild and different crazy off beat poems. Nicole Cooley is from Louisiana and much of her work reflects it.
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